Tuesday, July 16, 2013

A Miracle

July 16
Day 7

Can it be? Is it possible? No problems with technology today! Finally, it seems I have stopped breaking things and can get down to the actual work I'm supposed to be doing.

I was able to fly through my work today, I am really getting better at ENVI. At this point I have memorized all of the wavelength codes for the color bands that I am working with. It can be difficult though to find the best combinations of bands for each leaf. Each band of each leaf has different results of varying usefulness, so you have to try and combine them in different was to get the most readable option. This requires a lot of time consuming experimentation and disappointment. But eventually you find one that is passable and then fix it up in Gimp.

Not much else going on, just continuing to work through the St Catherine's manuscripts and playing Apples to Apples with the other interns during lunch. Overall, a good day.

Here's hoping my luck with computers holds.


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